Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pretension: It's What's For Dinner.

Setup: The Boy needs my help identifying some actresses in order to create and cast fake movie descriptions for people who liked his status on FB promising to do so.

Me: Well what about Rooney Mara.

The Boy: I don't know who that is.

Me: American version of Dragon Tattoo.

... The Boy: ...

Me: Ok, what about Mila Kunis

The Boy: Yah, she's smokin'. But she doesn't really fit the direction I'd like this character to go.

Me: ...

The Boy: What?!?

Me: That's pretty pretentious...

The Boy: ...

Me: You are fake casting for fake movies and you are worried about character direction? That's pretty pretentious...

The Boy: I know...maybe I should go to film school....

Yeah, I totally lift full conversations from my kid....don't worry, I have a pre-paid therapy fund for him.

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